
Mar 26, 2021
Rally For Cecil is a go!
We're pleased to announced that we are bringing back our Rally For Cecil event July 1-3, 2021 as a part of our Worldwide Rally Against...

Mar 23, 2021
Boycott Botswana....still.
Today we are sad to report that Botswana has once again reopened trophy hunting of the country's elephants. After covid-19 interrupted...

Mar 22, 2021
Nevada Fails Black Bears
The Nevada Wildlife Commission failed to take action on a petition requesting that hounding be banned as a means of hunting bears during...

Mar 16, 2021
Take Action Against Shrine Circuses
CWI is pleased to share a new webpage we've created to empower animal advocates to more easily take action against Shrine circuses. The...

Mar 12, 2021
Colorado: Act Now and End Circus Cruelty!
A bill that would prohibit the use of several animals, including elephants and tigers, in circuses has been proposed in Colorado. If you...

Mar 11, 2021
Act for Nevada Bears!
On Friday, March 19th, the Nevada Wildlife Commission will hold a meeting. The need to hear from you today regarding the evil practice of...