
Apr 28, 2021
March & April 2021 Zoo Incident Report
We're glad be be able to bring back our roundup of selected incidents that have taken place in zoos. Why do we do this? To raise...

Apr 28, 2021
CWI Sends Appeal to the USDA
Circuses that abuse animals have returned to the road, and they have clearly learned nothing about compassion during the pandemic. We...

Apr 27, 2021
NRA Director & Wife are Elephant Killers
Newly leaked video reveals that the CEO of the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre, and his wife are trophy hunters who killed...

Apr 21, 2021
Baskets of Fruit for Thai Elephants!
Today CWI was happy to be able to send Elephant Nature Park funds for 20 baskets of fruit for their elephants in honor of the ex-Phuket...