January 25, 2025
We remember Cecil.
On July 1, 2015, after suffering for approximately 40 hours, Cecil the lion was brutally murdered by American dentist Walter Palmer. This travesty has risen awareness about the brutal, selfish, and ego-driven activity known as "trophy hunting," during which animals are senselessly slaughtered for the purpose of becoming a head hung on a wall or a skin thrown on a floor. Cecil was a father, a partner, a leader. He died because a very small man with a lot of money thought it would be fun to kill him.
In his honor, we fight.
In February 2016, individuals in 35 cities in 6 countries around the world came together to speak out for the animals being killed by trophy hunters. While we remember Cecil, we also remember all animals, both international and domestic, who are having their precious lives cut short by wealthy individuals with too much time on their hands. Cecil's death created a worldwide outrage and at that time we promised never to forget and to never, ever stop fighting for justice.
The time has come to put an end to the deadly, selfish practice of trophy hunting.
On January 25, we remember Cecil and share his memory to keep alive the goal of ending trophy hunting once and for all. Join us to raise awareness about international and domestic trophy hunting and to make a stand for the hunters' helpless victims in Cecil's honor. You can hold an in-person event in your city on January 25 or join us for our in-person protest at the international convention of Safari Club International taking place in Nashville, TN.
USA Events
Nashville, TN (main event taking place at the Safari Club International convention)
Information for Rally Hosts and Participants
CompassionWorks International believes in the power of compassionate advocacy for animals.
All WRATH events are expected to be peaceful, educational, and focused on spreading awareness about the travesty of trophy hunting. Our goal is to shine a light on this murderous activity, and to encourage the adoption of state and federal laws to ban the importation of hunted "trophies."
Where should rallies be held?
Rallies should be held in public spaces so as to gain the best possible exposure for your rally. Government buildings, city centers, busy intersections, or near relevant organizations or businesses that promote or support trophy hunting all make great rally locations. Make sure to connect with your local town hall and police department to ensure you are obeying all local laws and addressing possible permitting needs.
What should take place at your rally?
Your rally can take many forms. Generally, it will involve the holding of posters and the distribution of informational literature and look much like a protest or a march. However, if you are holding an indoor rally due to weather concerns, you can host a film or a speaker. The goal is to educate the public as widely as you are able about the issue and to involve the media, if possible.
What materials will be available?
CWI's WRATH campaign provides downloadable posters designs, as well as an educational leaflet. Hardcopy posters and leaflets will be made available free of charge to all rally leaders. We also provide talking points for addressing the media. T-shirts are available in the CWI store.
Is there a dress code?
There is no dress code, although we hope Rally participants will choose to wear one of our anti-trophy hunting shirt designs. All proceeds from the sale of the shirts are invested in supporting the Worldwide Rally Against Trophy Hunting and its related events. At CWI, we believe in the power of professionalism. Please, dress in a manner that is relatable to the general public, and avoid anything outrageous or that involves inappropriate language or violence.
How can I help?
You can help by attending or starting a Rally in your area. WRATH also always needs support to keep up all of our projects. If you would like to volunteer to assist, please email us at and let us know how you can help!
What else can I do?
You can also make a donation to support the Worldwide Rally and help us to get the media coverage and materials we need for our event to be a success! To make a donation without using our secure, online form, please email us at
How can I keep up-to-date?
Visit the CompassionWorks International homepage and sign-up to receive our monthly e-newsletters.
Disclaimer: This information is provided as a general guideline for hosting a law-abiding educational demonstration and does not constitute legal advice. Following the guidelines laid out here does not prove CWI's involvement in or approval of your demonstration nor creates any implied or explicit relationship between CWI and your event.