
Jul 20, 2021
Formal Complaint Filed on Behalf of Solomon and Wendell
On July 9, CWI sent a formal complaint to the USDA on behalf of golden tabby tiger Solomon and a lion cub named Wendell. Both animals are...

Jul 15, 2021
CWIs Mid-Year Report is Now Available
CWI's Mid-Year Report is Available Now Can you believe more than half the year is gone already? We can't! Even while the pandemic has...

Jul 7, 2021
CWI Turns 7 on 7/7!
On July 7, CWI turned seven years old! Our official launch took place at the Animal Rights National Conference in 2014; however we were...

Jul 4, 2021
We Rallied for Cecil!
On July 1-3, CWI commemorated the sixth anniversary of the passing of Cecil the lion, who was killed by trophy hunter Walter Palmer. A...