
Jul 28, 2023
Q&A with CWI Executive Director Carrie
For the first time, we're offering a sneak peek into CWI's founding and what motivated our executive director to build an animal rights...

Jul 22, 2023
USDA Acknowledges Betty's Gait Issue
July 22, 2023 Through a Freedom of Information Act request, CWI has obtained new information about Betty from 2021 and early 2022. There...

Jul 15, 2023
Tony's Corner: Adopt Don't Shop!
July 15, 2023 Did you know that approximately 6.3 MILLION dogs and cats enter the U.S. shelter system every year? Of those, a staggering...

Jul 5, 2023
CWI Demands Sanctuary for Animals and WINS!
July 3, 2023 CWI is thrilled to report that the big cats formerly held captive at the The Mirage Hotel and Resort in Las Vegas have been...

Jul 3, 2023
CWI Gains a New Team Member!
7/3/23 Late last week, an emergency call went out to our community: there was a guinea pig who was being "returned" by his foster family...