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CWI & 72 Veterinarians Speak Out About Elephant Cruelty


CWI partnered with 72 veterinarians and the nonprofit Our Honor to speak out against elephant cruelty. A letter detailing the problematic nature of allowing elephants to live without same-species companionship has been sent to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) agency within the USDA. APHIS is tasked with enforcing the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA), which is the primary law that regulates the treatment of animals.

We contest that language already exists within the AWA which, coupled with recent scientific advancements, dictates that APHIS should take immediate action for Asha, Bubbles, Lady Essex, Minnie, and Okha. Keeping elephants without elephant companionship is animal cruelty.

Learn more about Asha, Bubbles, Lady Essex, Minnie, and Okha and add your voice to our effort to end the keeping of privately owned, singly held female elephants: Click here.


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