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Worldwide Rally Against Trophy Hunting 2022


On Saturday, January 22, CWI once again hosted the Worldwide Rally Against Trophy Hunting (WRATH). Events were held in Las Vegas, Clearwater, Florida, New York City, and Birmingham, England. The London, England rally took place on January 19, and an additional rally in Washington DC was postponed due to weather and illness and is presently scheduled to take place on January 29.

WRATH is held each year in conjunction with the Safari Club International (SCI) annual convention. This year the convention was held from January 19-22 and featured a horrific auction that sold of the lives of animals for tens of thousands of dollars each as well as talks from Donald Trump Jr and Tucker Carlson.

In Las Vegas, we protested every night of the convention. We send our gratitude to the Vegas animal advocates who stood with us in the cold and despite covid to speak out against trophy hunting! We also ran our mobile billboard for five days, eight hours per day on the Las Vegas Strip, which greeted trophy hunters with the message "Killed for Ego, trophy hunters lie, killing is NOT conservation". See pictures and video below.

At the Las Vegas event, we went head-to-head with several trophy hunters who attempted to confront us. Time and again they proved themselves to lack substance or information, and ran away when challenged. One trophy hunter walked behind our demonstration and yelled "Kill the babies and watch the mommies cry", but then was stopped to wait for a traffic light before he could cross the road. He kept himself quiet at that time opting to continue his tirade once he was solidly in a crosswalk a couple of lanes deep. Besides being vile and disgusting, trophy hunters are also absolute cowards and largely uneducated.

The solidarity rallies in NYC, Birmingham and London, England, and Clearwater, Florida were all well attended and wonderful, dynamic events! The NYC event also featured a mobile billboard, however that billboard was able to stream video showing visitors to the area of Trump Tower the horrors of what takes place at the SCI convention. The demonstrators then entered the lobby of Trump Tower! See the powerful video of their action below.

While our protester numbers and rally numbers were still depressed due to the proliferation of covid around the world, we will not be deterred in our efforts to continue our fight and build our movement to end trophy hunting once and for all. We will be updating with new information about upcoming actions in the months ahead.

To support CWI and the rally, please visit: We also see a volunteer wanting to get involved in our campaign. Reach out to us if you are interested and have organizing and social media skills!

Las Vegas Rallies

A beautiful image donated to us by wildlife photographer Paul Berger.

A few of the Las Vegas advocates with our mobile billboard.

Trophy hunters are liars and cowards.

Thank you animal advocates in the Tampa, Florida region! What a group!

Some of the demonstrators that gathered outside the Houses of Parliament in London, England.


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