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Summer BBQs can be vegan too!


We don't know where you are, but--here at CWI Headquarters in Las Vegas--summer has definitely arrived! It's time to shut down the oven and fire up the grill. If you're following along with our new series Living Vegan, we figured now would be the perfect time to let you know that there are plenty of delicious cruelty-free options for you to explore in your out-of-doors cooking adventures!

You're in luck. Twenty years ago vegan options of any description were few and far between, and delicious wasn't a word that could frequently be used to describe them. But nowadays, not only are summer vegan essentials easy to find, but stores like Target, Walmart, the Kroger family of stores, Whole Foods, Aldi, Trader Joe's and others even have their own vegan product lines. Living vegan has never been easier!

All the same, getting started can be intimidating. It's helpful to have a guide. So here are a few reliable vegan recipes that can turn your next BBQ into a blast!

Fresh Picnic Pasta Salad from World of Vegan.

Classic vegan coleslaw from Nora Cooks.

Vegan strawberry shortcake cake from Earthly Provisions.

Recipes not your thing? That's OK! Burgers from Beyond, Impossible, Gardein, Dr. Praegers and many others are in most grocery stores. Prefer hot dogs? Those may be less widely available, but numerous options do exist. We prefer Lightlife Smart Dogs, but there are a number of brands of both dogs and sausages too. Ketchup and mustard? Already vegan! And vegan mayos are starting to proliferate. The new offering from Hellmans/Best Foods is delicious! Just double-check your bun to make sure there is no dairy or eggs present, and voila! You've got a good start on your BBQ with very little effort.

With abundant fresh fruits and veggies available, summer is a fantastic time to start your cruelty-free lifestyle. Take advantage of in-season produce deals and start to expand your eating horizons. You may surprise yourself and find a new favorite!

Or to learn more about the human impact on animals, visit our dedicated site:


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