CT: Stand Up Against Circus Cruelty!
April 2, 2022
CWI supports "Beulah's Law" and we encourage all residents of Connecticut to do the same.
This bill is still in the early stages of the legislative process, but it is at a critical one. It must pass through the Legislative Commissioners' Office before it is able to proceed to the Connecticut House and the Senate prior to the session end on May 4th.
Both call and email the Majority and Minority leaders of the CT House and Senate and urge them to "call Beulah's Law (HB5293- An Act Prohibiting the Use of Wild or Exotic Animals in Traveling Entertainment Acts) to an immediate vote" as soon as it arrives in their chamber. And to vote "Yes" for its passage.
Other suggested talking/email points:
It is imperative that CT pass this bill to stop cruel and dangerous animal acts in our state. The city of Bridgeport banned such acts in 2018, despite its rich Barnum legacy, and it is time for the state to do so as well.
Beulah was a captive elephant from CT that was brought to the Big E, and despite being obviously morbidly ill and suffering from sepsis ,she was forced to work at the fair where she died.
This bill, created in her memory, will help to raise the image of CT which was severely tarnished both nationally and world wide, on account of her terrible neglect and subsequent horrific death.
Please act with compassion for all the wild animals, whose complex behavioral, physical, and emotional needs cannot be satisfied by traveling shows designed for human entertainment.
Contact information:
Democratic House of Representatives Majority Leader: Jason Rojas Jason.Rojas@cga.ct.gov,(860) 240-8585, (860) 240-8586
Republican House Majority Leader: Vincent Candelora, Vincent.Candelora@cga.ct.gov, 800-240-8700, 800-842-1423
Senate Majority Leader: Bob.Duff@cga.ct.gov,, 860-240-0414, home:203-840-1333
Senate Minority Leader: Kevin.Kelly@cga.ct.gov, Legislative Aide: Logan Cotter, Phone: 860-240-8826