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Farewell, Ringling! The final protest.

CWI was proud to have co-organized the final ever Ringling Bros Circus protest in Uniondale, Long Island, NY with our Board Advisor Bryan Monell and in conjunction with local organization LION and PETA. It was a momentous day with over 100 activists letting Ringling know until the very last car left the parking lot that the animals who they have chained, beaten, caged, and forced to perform for 146 years deserve SANCTUARY. We also educated the public on the fact that circuses other than Ringling still exist! So our fight continues.

Couldn't make it? Relive the experience with the photos and videos below! And, please, keep up the fight against circus cruelty. Email us at or learn more at our dedicated anti-circus site:

Bryan Monell and CWI Executive Director Carrie LeBlanc Ringling Animals Deserve Sanctuary!

Our main protest banner: COMPASSION ALWAYS WINS. Farewell, Ringling Bros.

Protesters and press coverage!

Activists travelled from California, Nevada, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Missouri, Maryland, Washington, DC and beyond to attend the historic protest!

On the back of our final banner, every activist was able to take a square to remember the achievement forever!

We also had each activist sign protest posters that we will donate to the Animal Museum, which maintains the history of the animal rights movement.

We wrapped up our evening with delicious food, drinks, and a toast to compassion!

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