Clear Channel Outdoor Protects Animal Abusers
Over the last many months, CWI has been working closely with animal advocates in Tucson, Arizona to mount a billboard focused on educating the public about rodeo cruelty in the Tucson Rodeo.
We worked with Clear Channel Outdoors to secure a package deal that would allow us to have tremendous exposure throughout the Tucson area and received assistance from them in finalizing our artwork.
This was the final design:
CWI signed a contract with Clear Channel Outdoors and paid the fees by the deadline requested by Clear Channel after local Tucson animal advocates stepped up to fund the project.
And then, at the 11th hour on January 26th, we were informed that the management of Clear Channel Outdoors was pulling the plug on our project via a phone call due to what they called "negative advertising" and a change in policy that they claim forbids it. CWI has requested clarification of their decision in writing, and has yet to receive anything.
UPDATE 2/6/2018: To date, we have not received our funds back, nor have we received anything in writing from Clear Channel. We have, however, discovered other "negative ads" in the Tucson area that have been erected during 2018.
We ask our followers to speak out against Clear Channel Outdoors on their Facebook page.