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Hope for Nosey?

Nosey's permit application has been denied by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The letter states that Nosey is to be placed with a licensed wildlife facility within 30 days of receipt of the letter.

This is amazing news! However, we must continue to sit tight to see if the Liebels are able to or have appealed, and what the result of that appeal might be. The Liebels are not presently in Florida and have no plans to be there for the next 9 weeks at minimum, so it is also possible that they would opt not to return Nosey to Florida at all, and simply keep her on the road while attempting to transfer her ownership to another circus or individual. There are a lot of unanswered questions right now, but suffice to say, it is gratifying to know that the FWC are reprimanding the Liebels for lying in their renewal application. The work continues!

CWI's petition demanding the USDA take action for Nosey is nearing 200,000 signatures. Can you help us get there? Sign and share today!

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