CWI Launches Online Professional Development Program
At CWI, we help you to do your good work for animals better!

In addition to empowering activists to take action for animals in their communities with our campaigns, we also provide professional services and guidance at greatly reduced costs to help make your local organizations a success. We are pleased to launch our first online webinar, "Fundraising 101: Raising Funds for the Animals". Fundraising 101 will be instructed by CWI's Executive Director Carrie LeBlanc, who has ten years of experience in the nonprofit sector. She is formerly the Director of Operations at Mercy For Animals, and has provided consulting services for FARM, Compassion Over Killing, Sea Shepherd, Darwin Animal Doctors, the Animal Rescue Fund of Mississippi, Dog Adoption and Welfare Group, and many others! This informational seminar will consist of 45 minutes of fundraising basics, to set you on a course for success with your organization. We will conclude with 15 minutes of Q&A. To sign up, please click HERE. Subsequent classes will include: Grant Seeking and Writing, Nonprofit Management, and Major Gifts. A $10 donation is requested for participation. No more than 8 participants will be accepted for each class. The same class is also offered on Saturday, May 2nd at 9am PST/12:00pm EST. Additional dates TBA. For questions, please email One-on-one consultations are also available through CWI. Please contact us for more information on our reduced rates for the nonprofit animal protection sector.